Here's how it works:
- Sellers post photos of what they're trying to get rid of. I've seen collectible glassware, playpens, hot tubs, and previously worn bras on these pages. People also post items they would like to purchase or items they want given to them, such as baby wipes and diapers. I'll get to that later.
- If you like an item, you comment on the photo. The first person stating they want the item has dibs, then other people "get in line" in case the first person doesn't pick it up or if they change their mind.
- Pick up/delivery is arranged. Most people meet in a public place, such as a store parking lot, baseball diamond, etc.
- Once the item has been sold, the seller then removes the photo from the rummage sale page and life goes on.
Here are a few of my problems with the Facebook rummage sale pages:
- I recently posted my old cell phone on one of these pages. I gave a thoroughly detailed description which included the model of phone, technical specs, and service provider information. I stated I didn't know if the phone could be used with a different service provider or with a pre-pay plan. I gave the price I wanted to get out of the phone and I also stated no trades would be accepted. Within a few minutes of posting, I got the following questions: "Can I use this with Verizon?", "Can I use this as a pre-paid phone?", and "I'll trade you my phone for yours". Jeezus, people, read the fricking description! The lady who repeatedly offered me $20 for my smartphone in excellent condition was told off via private message.
- One person kept commenting "I wish I had the money to buy this". I wish you had the money, too. Until you do, please stop commenting because my phone is blowing up with messages the way it is. I politely told this person to stop commenting on my photos of items for sale if she wasn't interested in purchasing anything. She didn't stop commenting, so I blocked her.
- One young girl posted she was out of money and needed baby wipes, diapers, and formula for her baby. This one pissed me off, because she was obviously on a computer or cell phone. She had enough money to pay for Internet and cell phone service but she didn't have enough money to buy necessities for her baby?! I was even more amazed at the number of people who took these items to this woman's mobile home. I understand we all fall on hard times, but this is re-damn-diculous.
- Some of these people buying and selling items post their home address and phone number where everyone can see it. This is stupid for obvious reasons, especially when one says "Come get this item now before my husband gets home" then proceeds to give her address and phone number. The same goes for meeting people in a not so public place. Last weekend I sold an item and met a lady in a park at the intersection of two busy highways. It's kind of out in the country, so I took my son with me so I wouldn't be alone. She turned out to be a very nice person, and I had to buy Kiddo lunch at Burger King for going with me, but the peace of mind was worth it.
- Please don't get me started on the grammar some of these people use. There have been times when I've asked "What do you mean?" because I couldn't decipher a comment. I know not everyone is intelligent, but "Is this tooken?" totally rubbed me the wrong way.
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