It's been a while, but I've been somewhat busy. Let me fill you in...
I got my tax refund check about 3 weeks ago, so I decided to pay off a few bills and get some new tires on my car.
*Gets all dreamy eyed*
I love my car! It's a 2001 PT Cruiser, Patriot Blue in color. I had wanted a PT Cruiser ever since they were introduced in the year 2000. I even managed to sneak a picture of one as it sat on the lot at a local Chrysler dealership! I finally got my car in September of 2003. Anyway, my car is the thing I value secondmost in my life. Family and friends being first, of course. My son is involved in wrestling and bowling, and my drive to work is between 30 and 45 minutes. Therefore, my car usually looks a mess. But I keep it running well...
I took Blueser (Yeah, she's got a name) to a local place to get new tires and aligned. The nice man told me that she would be done the next day. He accidentally lied. He called me at work the next day to inform me that my car's lower control arm was out. Being as I had no clue what a lower control arm was, I stopped by after work. All it was was a pair of rubber bushings that control the car's vertical alignment. No big deal...or so I thought. According to this man (who I swear was prejudiced against women), he would have to order the bushings from a Chrysler dealer, and it would probably take the rest of the week to get them. This was on a Wednesday. Monday, he calls me and tells me that Blueser is done. I had to pay almost $650 to get my girl back, but she doesn't shake and shudder when she gets up to 40 mph anymore!
This past Saturday afternoon, I woke up from a nap with an ache in my stomach. Not a tummyache, but a general pain in my stomach. I didn't really think too much of it, and continued on with my evening. Sunday morning, the pain was worse. I could barely sleep Sunday night, so I called in sick to work on Monday. I thought I had pulled a muscle, so I took a few muscle relaxers and slept most of the day on Monday (the same day I got my car back). I had borrowed my Mom's car while mine was in the shop, so I took it back to her Monday afternoon. She had the insight to tell me, "You know, it might be your appendix". Yikes! I checked when I got back home, and I had most of the symptoms of appendicitis. YIKES! Panicked, I called my boyfriend's mom, who works in a local ER. She told me to get to the doctor first thing in the morning...unless my temperature spiked or I started puking. I ate dinner and played around on the computer for a few, watched an anime called Golden Boy, then I tried to go to bed. My stomach hurt so bad that I thought I was going to die, so off to the ER we went. After getting stuck twice by the nice guy who was trying to draw blood from me, a CAT scan of my stomach by a nice lady who shot me full of dye and made me feel like I peed my pants, and a few visits from the on-call doctor (who was totally hot), I was was an ovarian cyst. Not just any cyst. I saw the results of the CAT scan, and my ovary was roughly the size of a grapefruit. No wonder I was in so much pain! A call to my "female" doctor eased my mind, and my appointment in two weeks will ease it even more. I'm still hurting, but it's not nearly as bad as it was the other night.
On a lighter note, I got a new bowling ball, found out I have about 5 vacation days I can use at work (possibly L.A. bound at the end of June!), and I also found out that Jimmy Buffett tickets go on sale for Indianapolis on this upcoming Monday. Fins up! :-)